Salabhasana (Locust Pose): Benefits, Steps, and Modifications
Soham Yoga School Rishikesh, India
What is Salabhasana (Locust Pose)?
Salabhasana (Locust Pose): Benefits, Steps, and Modifications Before explening lets know about Salabhasana. This is a strengthening yoga posture that works the back, glutes and legs and increases flexibility. The Sanskrit terms “salabha” (locust) and “asana” (posture or position) are combined to form “salabhasana.” In this posture the body looks like a locust, uplifted of chest and legs behind kept stretched.
Steps to Practice Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
Following is a step-by-step guide of how to practise Salabhasana
- Position Yourself Prone: Lay your belly down on the rug, slipping the feet behind, and extend the arms up to the sides with the palm of the hands facing the floor.
- Activate Your Legs: This is denseness combined with the knees and feet against the yoga mat. This draws energy from the legs while keeping the glutes and core activated.
- Lift Your Upper Body: As you contract the muscles in the lower back, begin to raise your chest away from the floor. Reach your arms behind you, parallel to the floor, with palms facing down.
- Lift Your Legs: In tandem extend your legs off the ground, ensuring they remain straights with thigh engagement instead of foot engagement.
- Hold: Take deep breaths for 20 to 30 seconds or as long as feels discomforting.
- Release: To get out of the pose, slowly sag your chest, legs and arms back on the mat.
- Position Yourself Prone: Lay your belly down on the rug, slipping the feet behind, and extend the arms up to the sides with the palm of the hands facing the floor.
Benefits of Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
Salabhasana provides a number great advantages for the body and for the mind:.
Strengthens the Back:
Specifically, it focuses on muscles at the back, improving posture and reducing back pain.
Improves Flexibility:
Stretching the chest, shoulders, and abdomen by locust pose is also beneficial for the flexibility of the chest, shoulders and abdomen.
Tones the Core:
The pose recruits core muscles, generating a strong and stable core for the purpose of whole body balance and strength.
Stimulates the Digestive System:
Opening the chest and expanding the abdominal region, through Salabhasana, can improve digestion and make more energy circulate to the internal organs.
Promotes Better Posture:
Regular practice of this pose has the effect of strengthening the postural muscles and bringing with it an improvement of posture.
Contraindications for Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
Although Salabhasana is an useful posture for many, it can be inappropriate for others. It’s essential to be mindful of the following contraindications:
Who’s not fit to do this posture?
- Pregnancy: Pregnant persons should not assume this position because it can put pressure on the abdomen and can be uncomfortably distracting.
- Back Injuries: Persons with recent back trauma, herniated discs, or sciatica should not practice Salabhasana, or practice the pose with the help of a professional.
- Neck Injuries: When you have a neck injury, do not lift the head high, if possible perform the pose with more neutral neck positioning.
- High Blood Pressure: This pose may cause an increase in blood pressure due to the backbend nature, so it’s best avoided if you have hypertension.

Modifications for Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
If you find Salabhasana difficult or have difficulty, here are a couple of adaptations that you can apply:.
- Use a Blanket or Cushion: When chest lifting is not possible, try to put a blanket or cushion under the chest and abdomen so that they are supported.
- Lower Leg Lift: Rather than simultaneously raise both legs, you may begin by raising one leg at a time, alternating from one leg to another (i.e.
- Arm Positioning: If feeling your arms extended straight behind is too much, keep your arms by your side or extend them forward with (after the Superman Pose).
- Focus on the Breath: If it is difficult to sustain a pose for a prolonged duration, do practice with short holds and bring strength to the muscles over time.

Salabhasana is a multifold and beneficial yoga pose, which provides a wide range of effects, such as back strengthening, core toning and enhancing of the flexibility. With proper demonstration, this position can be practiced by anybody, no matter his/her experience. But please be aware of the contraindications and adaptations to provide safe and effective practice.
If you’re new to yoga or dealing with physical limitations, always consult with a yoga instructor or healthcare provider before starting Locust Pose.

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