How to Do Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

Soham Yoga School Rishikesh, India
How to Do Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose), Its Benefits, Contraindications, and Modifications
Introduction to Rajkapotasana
Rajkapotasana or Pigeon Pose is one of the deep hip-opening yoga postures. It is very useful for flexibility and helps in removing the tension. The asana is usually added to the sequences meant for the increase of mobility of the hips, as well as the decrease in pain in the lower back. Let us now practice Rajkapotasana in detail and understand the benefits along with its causes and identify modifications too.
How to Do Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)
Step-by-Step Instructions
Starting Position:
- To start off, you can assume a table top position by getting on your hands and knees.
Your knees and wrists must be straight under your shoulders and hips independently.
- To start off, you can assume a table top position by getting on your hands and knees.
Move into Pigeon Pose:
- Swing your right knee forward, then let it drift to the side, dancing gracefully with your right wrist.
Push your right foot forward toward your left hand so that your shin drops to the floor.
Now, extend your left leg backward straight, keeping the top of your foot planted on the mat.
- Swing your right knee forward, then let it drift to the side, dancing gracefully with your right wrist.
Aligning the Pose:
- Rotate your hips so they face the front of the mat.Often, you will have to add a blanket or block under your right hip for this movement.
Move your hands ahead and bend your upper body, bringing your forehead down to the mat or resting on your forearms.
- Rotate your hips so they face the front of the mat.Often, you will have to add a blanket or block under your right hip for this movement.
Hold the Pose:
- Take a deep breath and hold for 5-10 seconds, feeling the stretch in your hips and thighs. Raise your torso high, slide your right leg back to its original spot, then switch it up and do the same on the other side.
Benefits of Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)
Physical Benefits
Improves Hip Flexibility:
- Pigeon Pose is a great stretch for the hip flexors and rotators, making it excellent for people with tight hips.
Stretches the Glutes and Piriformis:
- In this asana the gluteal and the piriformis muscles are deeply stretched and it is possible to use the pose for sciatic pain.
Releases Lower Back Tension:
- These poses help release tension in the back of the hip flexors.
Psychological and Emotional Benefits
Stress Relief:
- The deep stretch and forward fold of Pigeon Pose induce a feeling of relaxation and relief from stress.
Emotional Release:
- Often, people store a lot of stress and emotions in the hips. This is the perfect pose from where to let out these feelings.
Contraindications of Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)
Knee Injuries:
- If you have any injury or pain in your knees, avoid Pigeon Pose because this pose stretches the knee joints.
Hip Problems:
- People who have hip injuries or conditions should be careful and try some modification or other alternative.
Lower back problems:
- If you have serious lower back problems, you should consult a doctor before attempting this pose.

Modifications and Variations of Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)
Modifications for Novices
Use Props:
- Put a yoga block or folded blanket underneath the hip of the bent leg for added support and stability.
Maintain a Higher Torso:
- Do not fold forward; instead, keep your torso more upright to reduce the intensity of the stretch.
Variations for Advanced Practitioners
Full Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana):
- For a deeper backbend, reach back and hold the foot of the extended leg, drawing it towards your head.
Pigeon Pose with a Twist:
- From the forward fold, twist your torso to one side, bringing the opposite hand to the outside of the bent knee.
Practicing Rajkapotasana or termed as Pigeon Pose, it is a very flexible pose and a deep yoga pose to deeply stretch the hips and the lower back while keeping them relaxed. Having known these, practitioners can safely and effectively use the techniques, benefits, and precautions and modifications for shavasana. However, students need to understand their body and adjust accordingly to take all effects from Rajkapotasana.
- From the forward fold, twist your torso to one side, bringing the opposite hand to the outside of the bent knee.

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How to Do Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)