Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Best Yoga Teacher Training School in India

Welcome to Soham Yoga School

Nestled in the spiritual heart of Rishikesh, where the holy Ganges River meets the breathtaking Himalayas, Soham Yoga School welcomes you. We offer life-changing yoga teacher training programs designed to enhance your practice and deepen your understanding of this ancient art. As a registered institution with the Yoga Alliance USA, we provide specialized Pranayama and Meditation courses as part of our Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training programs. We offer 100, 200, 300, and 500-hour courses, each aimed at guiding you towards self-realization and excellence. Our programs are all-inclusive and offered at competitive prices.

Commitment to Holistic Development

Soham Yoga School is renowned for our dedication to Ashtanga Vinyasa and traditional Hatha yoga. We work closely with each student to foster their overall development in all aspects of their practice. Our mission is to cultivate passionate practitioners who will be recognized as renowned yoga experts both domestically and internationally. In addition to teacher training courses, we offer short rejuvenating retreats lasting 3-10 days, providing a unique opportunity to enhance your practice amidst the serene beauty of the Himalayas. Our approach includes:

  • Pranayama
  • Kriyas
  • Meditation
  • Philosophy
  • Sattvic yogic diet

Our experienced and highly qualified teachers make the practice of yoga accessible to all students.

Rejuvenating Retreats: A Pure and Nurturing Environment

At Soham Yoga School, we offer a rare opportunity for personal growth in a pure and nurturing environment. Whether your goal is to become a yoga teacher, deepen your practice, or enjoy a transformative retreat, our affordable programs make it possible for everyone to pursue their dreams. Join us to become a certified yoga instructor or to relax and rejuvenate on a revitalizing vacation.

Start your life-changing journey with Soham Yoga School, where the beauty of Rishikesh meets the wisdom of yoga.

Our Upcoming Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh

People know Rishikesh as the “yoga capital of the world”. It’s the perfect place to start a yoga teacher training course. The town nestles in the foothills of the Himalayas. It offers a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere. This atmosphere is ideal for deepening one’s yoga practice. The course aims to provide comprehensive training in various aspects of yoga. These include asanas, pranayama, meditation, and philosophy. Experienced yoga instructors lead the programme. It focuses on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga. Students will take daily yoga classes, attend workshops and lectures, and practice self-reflection. After the course, participants will gain knowledge and skills to teach yoga. They will also experience personal growth and transformation.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (India)

Duration: 14 Days

Module: Residential with Meal

Accommodation: Shared Room

Certification: Yoga Alliance USA

Course Fee: 699 USD

Yoga Style: Hatha Yoga

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (India)

Duration: 25 Days

Module: Residential with Meal

Accommodation: Shared Room

Certification: Yoga Alliance USA

Course Fee: 999 USD

Yoga Style: Hatha Yoga

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (India)

Duration: 28 Days

Module: Residential with Meal

Accommodation: Shared Room

Certification: Yoga Alliance USA

Course Fee: 1349 USD

Yoga Style: Hatha Yoga

philosophy classes

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (India)

Duration: 55 Days

Module: Residential with Meal

Accommodation: Shared Room

Certification: Yoga Alliance USA

Course Fee: 2699 USD

Yoga Style: Hatha Yoga

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

07 Days Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh (India)

Duration: 07 Days

Module: Residential with Meal

Accommodation: Shared Room

Certification: Yoga School 

Course Fee: 499 USD

Style: Yoga Retreats

Dhyana Mudra (Gesture of Meditation)

10 Days Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh (India)

Duration: 10 Days

Module: Residential with Meal

Accommodation: Shared Room

Certification: Yoga School

Course Fee: 649 USD

Style: Yoga Retreats

Experience Soham Yoga School's Impact: Hear Direct Insights from Our Students in Video Testimonials

What Our Students Love to Says About Us


Family Members of Soham Yoga School, Rishikesh


4.9/5.0 STAR

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4.9/5.0 STAR

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4.9/5.0 STAR

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4.9/5.0 STAR

Google Reviews

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Hi, I'm Emily from England, and I came to Soham Yoga School to complete my yoga teacher training. This school is truly amazing, with authentic and knowledgeable teachers who follow the true path of yoga. The instructors are exceptional, and I’ve learned so much from them. The location is perfect—peaceful and centered, yet away from the crowds and close to the Ganges, which adds to the tranquility. The food is incredibly healthy, with a variety of vegetarian meals featuring fruits and vegetables. The community here is wonderful; everyone on the course is friendly and welcoming, making you feel like part of a family. I highly recommend Soham Yoga School, whether for a yoga retreat or a 200-hour teacher training. Both experiences are incredibly beneficial. Thank you so much!
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Hi everyone, I’m Sharnea, and I’m currently at Soham Yoga School for a 21-day yoga retreat. This is my first time doing something like this, and it has been an extraordinary experience. I’ve learned so much, and my stay here has been truly out of this world. The teaching is top-notch, and the food is absolutely delicious. From what I’ve experienced over the past 20 days, this place offers everything you could hope for. I highly recommend Soham Yoga School for both teacher training programs and yoga retreats. It’s the perfect place to be. Thank you so much, and Namaste.
Sharon Roddy
Sharon Roddy@SharonRoddy
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"My 200-hour TTC has been amazing—truly one of the BEST experiences of my life. The teachers are kind, knowledgeable, and fluent in English, making everything very clear. The program includes a diverse range of lessons, such as philosophy, Ayurveda, anatomy, various meditation techniques, and, of course, pranayama." — Sharon Roddy

Why Soham Yoga School is different “Yoga School in Rishikesh”?

1. Authentic Teaching Lineage

Rooted in an ancient teaching lineage, Soham Yoga School offers students a genuine, traditional yoga education that honours the wisdom of the sages.

2. Experienced and Certified Instructors

With extensive experience and certifications, our instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise, guiding students through their yoga journey with precision and care.

3. Comprehensive Curriculum

Our curriculum is wide-ranging, covering various yoga styles, techniques, and philosophies to ensure a well-rounded and in-depth learning experience.

4. Personalized Attention

Small class sizes guarantee personalized attention for each student, fostering an environment focused on individual needs and goals.

5. Serene and Inspiring Environment

Situated in the serene and spiritual hub of Rishikesh, our school provides a peaceful and inspiring setting for deep practice and self-discovery.

6. Holistic Approach

Our programs encompass the body, mind, and spirit, promoting overall well-being and personal growth that extends beyond the mat.

7. Community and Support

We cultivate a supportive and welcoming community, providing students with a network of like-minded individuals and ongoing support in their yoga practice.

8. Emphasis on Practice and Philosophy

Soham Yoga School places equal importance on both the practical and philosophical aspects of yoga, ensuring students gain a deep understanding and appreciation of the discipline.

200 Hour YTTC Syllabus/Daily Schedule

Course Syllabus: 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

    1. Samasthiti – Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
    2. Urdhva Hastasana (Raised Hand Pose)
    3. Urdhva Bandhaunguliyasana (Upward Bound Finger Pose)
    4. Urdhva Namaskarasana (Upward Salute Pose)
    5. Vriksasana (Tree Pose)
    6. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
    7. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)
    8. Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1 Pose)
    9. Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2 Pose)
    10. Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3 Pose)
    11. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)
    12. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

    Twisting and Revolved Poses

    1. Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)
    2. Parivritta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose)
    3. Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose)

    Forward Bends and Stretches

    1. Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)
    2. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)
    3. Baddha Hasta Uttanasana (Bound Arms Intense Forward Bend)
    4. Padangusthasana (Extended Arms to Big Toe Pose)
    5. Padhastasana (Hand Under Foot Pose)
    6. Uttanasana (Intense Forward Bend Pose)

    Balancing Poses

    1. Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
    2. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
    3. Vriksasana (Tree Pose)

    Backbends and Inversions

    1. Ashvasanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
    2. Adhomukhasvanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)
    3. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose)
    4. Utthita Chaturanga Dandasana (High Plank Pose)

    Other Poses

    1. Pashchim Namaskarasana (Reverse Prayer Pose)
    2. Parighasana (Gate Pose)
  • Seated Poses

    1. Dandasana (Staff Pose)
    2. Upavista Konasana (Seated Wide Angle Pose)
    3. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
    4. Virasana (Hero Pose)
    5. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
    6. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

    Core and Boat Poses

    1. Navasana (Boat Pose)
    2. Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose)

    Forward Bends and Stretches

    1. Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)
    2. Triyanga Mukha Eka Pada Pashchimottanasana (Three Limbs Facing Intense West Stretch Pose)
    3. Marichyasana 1 (Sage’s Pose)
    4. Marichyasana 2 (Sage’s Pose)
    5. Marichyasana 3 (Sage’s Pose)
    6. Pashchimottanasana (Intense Stretch to the West Pose)
    7. Ardha Baddha Padma Pashchimottanasana (Half Bound Lotus with Intense Stretch to the West Pose)

    Squatting Poses

    1. Malasana 1 (Garland Pose 1)
    2. Malasana 2 (Garland Pose 2)
    3. Malasana 3 (Garland Pose 3)

    Twisting Poses

    1. Bharadvajasana 1 (Sage Bharadwaj Pose 1)
    2. Bharadvajasana 2 (Sage Bharadwaj Pose 2)
    3. Ardha Matsyendrasana 1 (Half Lord of the Fish Pose 1)
    4. Ardha Matsyendrasana 2 (Half Lord of the Fish Pose 2)

    Reclining Poses

    1. Supta Padangusthasana 1 (Recline Big Toe Pose 1)
    2. Supta Padangusthasana 2 (Recline Big Toe Pose 2)
    3. Supta Padangusthasana 3 (Recline Big Toe Pose 3)
    4. Suta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)
    5. Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)
    6. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

    Backbends and Inversions

    1. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
    2. Viparita Karani Mudra (Legs Up the Wall Pose)

    Relaxation Pose

    1. Savasana (Corpse Pose)
    1. Urdhva Mukhasvasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)
    2. Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
    3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
    4. Sarpasana (Snake Pose)
    5. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
    6. Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose)
    7. Purna Ustrasana (Full Camel Pose)
    8. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)
    9. Rajkapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)
    10. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
    11. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

    Lunges and Low Poses

    1. Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)
    2. Ashtanga Namaskar (Eight Limb Pose)


    1. Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand) with all variations
    2. Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder Stand Pose)
    3. Halasana (Plough Pose)
    4. Eka Pada Sarvangasana (Single Leg Shoulder Stand Pose)
    5. Parsva Eka Pada Sarvangasana (Single Leg Side Shoulder Stand)
    6. Supta Konasana (Reclining Angle Pose)
    7. Karnapidasana (Knee to Ear Pose)
    8. Parsva Halasana (Side Plow Pose)
  • Sun Salutations

    1. Sun Salutation (Traditional)
    2. Sun Salutation (Classical)
    3. Sun Salutation A
    4. Sun Salutation B

    Teaching Techniques

    1. Sequencing a Yoga Class
    2. Professional Teaching Skills
    3. Breathing Patterns
    4. Alignment
    5. Use of Various Props
    6. Modifications of Asanas
    7. Contraindications
  • Introduction to Pranayama

    1. Introduction of Pranayama
    2. Benefits of Pranayama
    3. Introduction to Meditative Poses
    4. Understanding of Prana

    Breathing Techniques

    1. Clavicular Breathing
    2. Thoracic Breathing
    3. Diaphragmatic Breathing
    4. Yogic Breathing
    5. Ujjayi
    6. Bhramari
    7. Bhastrika
    8. Kapalbhati
    9. Nadi – Sodhana
    10. Surya – Bhedi
    11. Chandra – Bhedi
    12. Sheetali
    13. Sheetkari

    Energetic Anatomy

    1. Nadis
    2. Energy Channels
    3. Energy Centers
    4. Gross Body, Subtle Body, Causal Body

    Practical Considerations

    1. Sequencing / Timing
    2. Benefits and Contraindications
  • Introduction to Shatkarma (six cleansing practices)
  • Jala Neti
  • Trataka
  • Kunjal Kriya
  • Agnisara Kriya
  • Nauli
  • Basti
  • Eye-cleansing
  • Introduction to mudras
  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Shanmukhi
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra
  • Nasikagra/ pranav
  • Viparita Karani Mudra
  • Mula Bandhas
  • Udiyana bandha
  • Jalandhar bandha
  • Maha bandha
  • Introduction to Ayurveda (Health Science)
  • Trigunas (Satva, Raja, Tama)
  • Tridoshas  (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
  • Panchamahabuthas (earth, air, fire, water, space)
  • Agni
  • Ama
  • Diet, Routine, Lifestyle
  • Body Movement & Planes
  • Joint movements and How to Protect them in Asanas
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Muscles
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Muscles
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Feet (the base of asanas)
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Knee
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Hip (the whole pelvic region)
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Spine
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Shoulder
  • How to protect your Knees, Lower Back, Ankle, Shoulders, Wrist, Elbows during the asana practice
  • Introduction to Respiratory System
  • Introduction to Nervous System
  • What is meditation
  • Pathway to relaxation and meditation
  • Obstacles in meditation
  • different types of meditation technique
  • Mantra meditation
  • Chakra meditation
  • Breath meditation
  • Meditation for happiness
  • Tips for silent meditation practice
  • Thought process during meditation
  • Teaching Techniques and Class Management

    1. Guidance for Teaching a Yoga Class
    2. Sequencing a Yoga Class
    3. Class Management
    4. Voice and Instructions to Lead the Class
    5. Pacing a Yoga Class
    6. How to Demonstrate in a Proper Way
    7. How to Correct

    Teacher’s Role and Qualities

    1. Quality of a Yoga Teacher
    2. The Behavior of a Yoga Teacher with Students
    3. How to Be Confident with Your Knowledge
    4. Individual Guidance
    5. Understand the Minds of Students
    6. Mental & Emotional Preparation for Teaching
    7. Important Terms a Yoga Teacher Must Know

    Special Considerations

    1. The Practice of Women During the Whole Month
    2. Importance of Breathing During the Asana
    3. How to – Adjustment and Correction

    Yogic Lifestyle and Environment

    1. Yogic Diet
    2. The Environment of a Yoga Class
  • Understand the alignment of asana postures with Projector
  • Muscle involvement during the asana practice
  • Safty
  • Practice Risk
  • Common mistakes
  • Contraindication
  • How to protect your Knees, Lower Back, Ankle, Shoulders, Wrist, and Elbows during the asana practice
  • Benefits
  • Modification
  • Use of props
  • Verbal adjustments
  • Hands-on adjustments
  • Practical Class Exam
  • Behavior
  • Performance

Daily Schedule: 200-Hour Yoga TTC

05:00 AM

Morning Bell 🔔

06:30 - 07:30 AM

Pranayama / Shatkarma

07:30 - 09:00 AM

Asana Practice

09:00 - 10:00 AM


10:00 - 11:00 AM

Yoga Anatomy

11:00 - 12:00 AM

Asana Alignment and Adjustment

12:30 - 01:30 PM

Yoga Philosophy/Ayurveda

01:30 - 02:00 PM


04:00 - 05:30 PM

Asana Flow / Alignment

06:00 - 06:45 PM

Meditation/Mantra Chanting

07:300 - 08:30 PM


10:00 PM

Lights Off

The Schedule Time will be Change According to the Session

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India: Upcoming Course Date

Course Dates Course Fee (Only Yoga) Course Fees (Food + Shared Accommodation) Course Fees (Food + Private Accommodation) Registration
03th Dec to 27th Dec 2024
699 USD
999 USD
1149 USD
03th Jan to 27th Jan 2025
699 UDS
999 USD
1149 USD
03th Feb to 27th Feb 2025
699 USD
999 USD
1149 USD
03th Mar to 27th Mar 2025
699 USD
999 USD
1149 USD
03th Apr to 27th Apr 2025
699 USD
999 USD
1149 USD
03th May to 27th May 2025
699 USD
999 USD
1149 USD
03th Jun to 27th Jun 2025
699 USD
999 USD
1149 USD

What is Include During Yoga TTC: Soham Yoga School

What is Included?

  • 25 Nights of Private or Shared Accommodation
  • Filtered drinking water
  • Indian vegetarian meals during the Course
  • Ayurvedic/Herbal Tea
  • Training Manual and study material
  • Weekend Excursions
  • RYT-200 hours Yoga Alliance USA certification

Indore Activity

  • Opening Ceremony
  • Daily Asana Practice and Asana Alignment Class
  • Yoga Nidra Meditation
  • Osho Dynamic Meditation
  • Mantra Chanting
  • Kirtan and Movie Night
  • Satsang (Spiritual talk)
  • Shatkarma
  • Pranayama
  • Closing Ceremony


  • Ganga Aarti at Triveni Ghat (Rishikesh Market)
  • Neer Waterfall
  • Ganga River Rafting
  • Bhootnath Temple
  • Vashishta Cave
  • Outdoor Yoga by the Ganges

Extra Charges (travel services)

  • Pre-arranged taxi pick-up from Delhi Airport to Soham Yoga School – US $80
  • Pre-arranged taxi pick-up from Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun to Soham Yoga School – US $20

Our Team of Professional Yoga Teachers in Rishikesh (India)

Yogacharya Mohan Ji

Born in a Vedic family, Yogacharya Mohan Panwar began the path of yoga at the age of 15. He completed his P.G.D.Y from…
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Yogacharya Deepak Singh

Born in the mystical valleys of the Himalayas one cannot resist the call of spirituality. Deepak Bisht 
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Vikas Bisht

He was born in the picturesque hill town of Rishikesh on 10th June 1982. Just at 16, a young age……Read More

Yogi Prakash

Yogi Prakash, a dynamic force in the world of yoga, exudes youthful energy and a profound understanding of Hatha Yoga a…
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FAQ (FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Refund Policy at Soham Yoga School?

All the fee including your registration and course fee are non-refundable. In any emergency or you postpone your program, you can carry forward the dates and join us for our next program.

Which is the best hatha yoga school for online TTC ?

Soham yoga school is the best and cheapest yoga school in the India as its provide daily online live class of asanas , pranayama, meditation,ayurveda, anatomy  with veteran yoga teacher whom have expertise and knowledge of each aspect of yoga.

Best yoga school in rishikesh ?

Soham yoga school is consider the best yoga school in rishikesh as it has all the experts teacher with profound knowledge and years of experience in fleid of yoga .In Soham yoga school hygiene and safety of student is the first priority .Food and accomodation is  according traditional ayurvedic and yogic culture .

Which is the best yoga retreat in rishikesh ?

Soham yoga school is the being the top choice for retreat , as its provide a well orientated retreat which consist the asanas, pranayama and meditation .In soham yoga school not only we focus on yoga but also exploration of the nature .We also provide the adventure activity and temple visit with specfic culture touch.

The cheapest pranayama and meditation course in rishikesh?

Whwn its comes to pranayama nad meditation the soham yoga school hold the top place because of it expertise in pranayama and meditation as its its has most renowed yoga teacher in world for breatg work and meditation.

 More Frequently Asked Questions click here…..

Soham Yoga School Photo Gallery

Sunrise at Kunjapuri
Ganga Aarti
Temples of Rishikesh
Ganga River Rafting

Nestled in Rishikesh, Soham Yoga School offers Yoga Alliance certified teacher training programs in Hatha and Ashtanga yoga styles. Emphasizing meditation, pranayama, “and” yoga philosophy, each course—from “100” to “500” hours—promises deep learning “and” personal growth. With comfortable accommodation “and” nutritious meals, graduates gain internationally recognized certifications “and” profound yoga knowledge.

Get in Touch

Soham Yoga School
Gali no.10, Vishthapit Colony, Nirmal Bagh Block-B, Pashulok, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249202

Call / Whatsapp
+91 9760793123


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